Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why I start blogging for money on the internet?

Internet is a golden mine and if you know how to used it you can earn lot’s of money. Money makes us rich. Nobody can tell me that this is not true. There are lots of job opportunities in the world, great jobs with good income and you will ask yourselves why I chose this one. OK. I will explain to you. I used to work on drilling ship as a DPO (Dynamic Position Operator). This is great job with I can say very good monthly wage. I’ve been able to earn around 12-15.000eur per month. I work 28 days and after had 28 days rest, vacation. So for a one day working I get one day vacation, paid vacation. My earnings were 144-180.000eur yearly. So, why I quit? INTERNET MARKETING. Eight months ago I said to my selves that I need to be at home all the time. I want to be my own boss. I want to get up in the morning when I want and start to work when I want. Get lunch where I want and when I want and in the same time have money in my pocket. Who can give you this entire thing on one place? This can give you your home, your computer and internet connection. I start to discover this for me unknown territory. I didn’t know from where to start so I searched here and there. I start to explore how I can earn money on the internet. I find the world AFFILIATE. OK! I can work as an affiliate but what to sell? What to promote? Where, to whom? Who may be interested in my product? This takes me to Clickbank, PayDotCom, CJ, and Great marketplace where you can find so many different products that you don’t know which one to choose to promote. According me, if you are new in this, the best thing to do is to promote product that you know. Per example if you are snowboarder the best thing to do is to promote snowboard equipment. Choosing product that you already know you will have advantage. It will be easier to make web site for you and full it with good and quality content. If your web page has quality content visitors will come back and you will have more chance to sell the product. And one other thing that you already know is to integrate Google AdSense ads on your pages so if the visitor don’t find what they are searching for they may click on one of your ads and you can earn in this way too. Website with certain niche topics in a combination with Google AdSense are, looking from my way of thinking, GOLDEN MINE. This is better than win on the lottery. On the lottery you can win once or never but with this you can make very good money every day.

OK, before I start to explain you what I’m doing I will present you some fact that are cruel reality in this job:

FACT #1: You will have to spend some money that you will able later to make money. You will need an advertising budget or lots of time. But remember TIME IS MONEY! I will explain this. To sell a product you will need customer, people who may be interested in your product and you will need a web site to bring them there where you present your product. You need VISITORS!!! How to bring hundred of visitors on your site? Trough the social networks you can do this without spending any dollars but you will need time and you will need to work a lot on the internet to bring visitors to your site. Time is money, don’t forget this! Other, faster way is to use PPC programs like Google AdWords and Yahoo Overture to do this. Simply sign up create your own ads and starts bring visitors to your site. Here comes another problem. For this you need to have money. You need to have advertising budget. This will brings immediately traffic to your site and you can expect some earnings in a few minutes. This is the power of PPC traffic. If you don’t know anything about AdWords I suggest that you read Perry Marshall Guide to Google AdWords.

FACT#2: A home based business requires WORK. If you hear from somebody that you need 5min per day is not true. They don’t produce any money. 5min you will need just for start up your computer. I would also like to work 5min per day and earn 3000+ a month and have rest of the day for me to do what ever I like. Marketing your business will take some work and your work will pay you very well.

FACT#3: It may pass some time till you start to earn good money. Nobody can promise you that you will make 3000$ per day starting today. Only thing that I can promise you that the only way you can fail is to quit. If you are in the game always will be possibility to make money.

FACT#4: You must learn to implement effective marketing skills to make any money with any product. The point here is to implement skills that you learn from others affiliate but also tries to be yourselves, be creative, don’t copy!

FACT#5: 95% of you will never succeed. This is the fact and can’t be ignored. If you decide to do this job you must be ready to fail but also you must be able to rise up on the top after that. And if you have will and power to do that you will succeed!

OK dear readers let’s start.

First thing to do after choosing product to promote is to get your catchy domain name. Use something that has something to do with your product and will get people clicking. Per example you selling snowboards boots and your domain should be something like . As usually mostly of domain names are already taken, don’t be afraid to use hyphens! Then your domain will look like this . As you see both of the domains will attract visitors who are searching for a certain topics. Hyphens help, they don’t hurt. Plus you may be able to get a really good domain name that no one is purchased yet if you go to A good domain name is an essential part of your success strategy.

Most of the methods I use require you to spend some money. These methods are low cost and effective. Per example yesterday I purchase one domain name which coast me 14$ for one year. So it come less then 2$ per month and this is really nothing. But before I explain low cost methods I will tell you some free methods to bringing traffic to your site.

Method#1 the signatures file-This method requires few second to set up and it’s free. This is signature file. The signature file is in every mail that leaves my inbox. Just go on set up of your mail and ad signature to it with a link to your site.

Method#2 ezine advertising –ezine article is powerful. Check where you can get free, targeted solos just for reading other solos and clicking on their ads.

Method#3 Social Networking sites-Sites like Direct Matches, Wowzza, Giblink, Apsense, Yuwie, Adland Pro, MySpace, Facebook, Ryze and are gathering places for people who work a home based business. By going into these sites and introducing yourself and leaving them with your sig file link, you will be targeting exactly the people you want to work with. Another benefit of these sites is that your profile is often indexed by the search engines. So if you create your profile like a well planned ad you can get FREE Google traffic.

Method#4 Forum posting-Forum posting is a wonderful and enjoyable way to get highly targeted traffic.

Method#5 Blogging- It’s possible to make very nice income from a good blog. If you’ve got AdSense on your blog, there’s a whole range of different thing that you can easily do to increase your traffic and earn extra cash. The first thing you should do is make sure that your blog is set to ping as soon as you’ve updated. offers a free all-in-one pinging service that covers all the large blog directories and search engine. On, you can find this in your settings. You should also set up RSS feed to let people know when you update.

Method#6 Offline marketing-One of the biggest mistake that people make when they build an Internet business is to forget that there’s a world outside the Internet. Just because you make money out of traffic doesn’t mean you have to source all of that traffic online. You should make sure that your URL is listed on all of your marketing material: your business card, Yellow Pages ads, flyers, envelopes, freebies and just about anything else you can think of.

I will tell you one example what I did. To test this I simply put my link on the back of my brand new Audi car with my phone number. I could not believe how many people call me to ask about this. Because they check the site and find content that describe how to make money as an affiliate and as they sow new Audi they think that maybe they can try to do this.

This is some simply example that with little use of your brain and creativity you can bring free traffic to your site.

This was free methods that you can use to drive traffic to your site. Now I will explain what I do to bring traffic to my site.


This is paid inclusion in the search engine result. I use Google AdWords and Yahoo Overture to generate quality traffic but can be expensive. I recommend you that if you are new to marketing and inexperienced with Google, do not run a Google PPC campaign until you have read Perry Marshall’s THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO GOOGLE ADWORDS. You can get excellent result with AdWords if you know what you are doing and if you don’t..... Hm, you will loose all your money! You know that most important thing in creating AdWords ads are keywords. You will need high paying AdSense keywords to integrate in your Google AdWords. All this you can find in Perry Marshall’s e-book. Word “Keywords” brings as to other thing to discuss. Which keywords to use? You will need lots of keywords and phrases. I will be short and tell you that you will need Keyword Elite software to do this. There you can create keywords list, analyze Pay Per Click listing, analyze keyword competition, finding high paying AdSense keywords and much more. I must tell you the trout that before I purchase that software I spend more on AdWords than earn on AdSense. I realise that without high paying keywords and huge list of keywords I could not make any success in AdSense. The software cost me 176$ but believe me, it worth it!

With Keyword Elite I could generate thousand keywords in a just few minutes. Do you know how much time I save? I could find high paying keywords and write topics that target that keywords make a web site and put some AdSense ads on it and I’m ready to make money from those ads.

This is what I’m doing. I write content by my own. I read about that topic and after I write something about this. I try to give quality content to the riders because more quality content is higher paying ads will appear on your site. Only thing that I don’t do by my selves is web site. I hire some web designer to do it for me. In the future I will make course for the web designer and after I will do all by my own.

You will find on the net lot’s of FREE OFFERS that promise you 600$, 700$ even 1000$ in one day all for free. Remember, nothing is for free. If you find something like this stay out! I try it on my own skin. Per example 8 months ago I sign up for Affiliate Junktion Network site. It said free sign up. It is free. I enter my mail address and my name and this is free. After this coming things that are not free. You need to purchase domain name that cost and hosting service where you will host your web page. You can’t select by your selves, you need to purchase all this from a service provided by Affiliate Junktion network and this is not free. OK, I was already in and without experience I purchase all this. I get free affiliate web site package and I purchase domain name and hoisting service. Then I start to bring traffic to my web site. But what I’m promoting? Affiliate web site about what? There was nothing to promote directly but indirectly yes, domain name service and hoisting service. You generate leads only if someone sign up for “free” and purchase domain name and hoisting service. Another thing that happened to me with this service is that now I can’t log in the control panel of the hoisting service and also on the control panel of Affiliate Junktion site with no explanation what happens. Maybe I broke their terms and services of the company but nobody advise me that my web site is disabled. I can find my web site with my domain name still on the web.

This is some of the example of “free sign up” pages.

Maybe you are already on Yuwie (social network) and if you are not you can sign up and there you can see when you create your profile how much HTML comments you will get about this free sites. Jon here for free, join there for free. One who is there can tell me how much comment you get about other product; let’s say nutrition, clothes, and shoes? I’m on Yuwie almost a year and daily spend 7-8 hours there and did not receive anything about this. Only “free sign up” comments so I start to go on other way. I create web page that content all product that you can find on Clickbank and Amazon marketplace with incorporate AdSense ads. So I have web site that beside AdSense ads offer other product. This I called Gox Marketplace. Gox is my nickname so I used it to create domain name.

Next thing to do is to set up AdWords ads to bring me traffic to my web site. But with this I won’t have problems. Like I said before, I use Keyword Elite software and I can make huge keywords list in a just few minutes and is great. So I will set up AdWords ads and starts bring traffic to my site. While Adwords are doing one part for me, I will log on Yuwie, Facebook, MySpace and start make friends and start to talk with them, start to make good relation that after I use to promote and sell product. To this people I have something to offer and they will be happy to purchase something that they are interested.

This is what I do. No “free sign up”!

Another free sign up!

Yesterday I log in on the Yuwie and find 10 comments about spiderweb marketing system and their offer to sign up free and start making lots of money. I have nothing against spiderweb fan but when you start some relationship with a friend you need to start something like “How are you doing? Where are you from?” “Want to know you better; want to know what are you doing to survive in this cruel world?” Like this you should start and not immediately with your banner and welcome message which they copy from the spiderweb page “Getting traffic” I know that they are copying this because I found 10 exactly same comments from 10 different persons. Point is that if you want to promote something use your own creativity to write. You can use that text as a basic but put something yours inside. Comment that they send to me I simply ignored and I’m sure that also the rest of people will do. You can earn with spiderweb, that’s true but you need to have right manner to promote it. Also I send a message to those people and ask them how much money you earned yet and what to do when I enter. I ask them to explain me little bit this. And you know the answer? “Oh, I’m new in this but you just sign up and follow the instructions and video tutorials.” Ok, if you new in this you could at least learns something. I mean if you promote something you should know something about product you promote. In this case you are promoting software that may be good but you don’t know how to use and don’t know anything about it and you are ready to fall down with no earnings. Don’t use only the methods that you receive from them. Be creative, use your method to drive traffic to your site and start generating leads.

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