Craigslist is a great place to buy and sell stuff cheap! Here are a couple of ways to how to make free money with craigslist.
You can make free money on craiglist selling stuff you get for free on craiglist! If you've ever spent time browsing the "For Sale" classifications advertisement on Craigslist, you've probably noticed the "Free" category. It turns out, not everything listed for free on Craigslist is yard waste or broken junk (though a lot of it is!). A good proportion of the listings are for hard-to-transport items such as furniture, exercise equipment, and even pianos that are in very usable condition. In some cases these items are almost new! Many times, people simply need to vacate their apartment or home quickly and don't have time, space, or transportation to sell items for their real market value. Simply by showing up and hauling these things away, you are performing a service, and you're paid with the market value of the item you then own. Read on to find out how you can make free money with craigslist
• Watch the Craigslist "Free" category for something you believe is saleable in your area. For example, a sofa in decent shape. Be especially watchful around the end of a month, when leases turn over. If there is a college or university in your area, watch Craigslist near the end of the school year when students must leave their apartments.
When you've found a suitable item, contact the poster inmidiatly, preferably by phone if they have listed a number. If not, use a direct email address they have listed, or, as a last resort, the built-in email responder. Make sure the item is still available.
Feel free to inquire about the condition of the item, but remember, it's being listed for FREE. Detailed questions like "can you give me the serial number from the tag on the underneath of the sofa bed?" will probably go unanswered.
ALWAYS ask if the person has other items they are trying to get rid of.
Arrange to pick up the item. Make sure you find out the following: (1) How many people will be needed to move the item. (2) If anybody at the location is available to help move the item to your truck. Some people are simply unable to help you move heavy items, even just a few yards from their living room to your truck. Deal with it, and show up with enough help to get the job done.
When you arrive, courteously move the item(s) to your truck. Ask again whether there are other items the owner needs to have taken away.
Consider bringing a small gift such as a $5 Starbucks card or a sixpack of beer. If the other person treats you courteously throughout the transaction, give them the gift as a thank-you for the free stuff.
Once you get the item home, clean it up if necessary. You will almost certainly need to vacuum and shampoo upholstery, and maybe even perform a few minor repairs. The key here is to spend as little as possible for the best results.
Create a well-lighted, non-cluttered space to photograph the item for sale. DON'T photograph it outside! Would you want to buy a sofa, dining set, treadmill or piano that had been sitting outside?
Research what similar items are selling for in your area. You may want to have a look in local thrift shops, consignment stores, and non-free Craigslist postings to get a sense.
Advertise the item for sale using Craigslist or any other free/cost-effective means, using your photographs in the advertisement. Don't be afraid to ask for what you think the item is worth -- you can always negotiate a lower price with a bona-fide buyer if you choose. Since transportation of large items is often a sticking point, make sure you advertise your ability to deliver the item (and specify a fee if you wish!)
If you have done your homework, you will find a buyer and get paid for all your trouble! And start to make free money with craigslist
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