Lets back to keyword research again.Writing own content on blog or website is the one of key step. Together with promotion. In this step all depend on your writing abilities Depending on your writing skills – you may need to farm this out, buy content and edit to suit your requirements.
Either way, you will need some content for your blog and well researched, witty, informative content that does not quite answer the question your search engine traffic asked is the best type of content for contextual advertising click throughs and well researched witty informative product reviews that do fully answer the question and recommend a product you have advertised is the best type of content for affiliate sales. So – yes, you will need to do some more work here
he web pages actually at the top of Google have only one thing clearly in common: good writing. Don't get so caught up in the usual SEO sacred cows and bugbears, such as PageRank, frames, and JavaScript, that you forget your site's content.
I was recently struck by the fact that the top-ranking web pages on Google are consistently much better written than the vast majority of what is read on the web.
Of course, that shouldn't be a surprise, considering how often officials at Google proclaim the importance of good content. Yet traditional SEO wisdom has little to say about good writing.
Does Google, the world's wealthiest media company, really ignore traditional standards of quality in the publishing world? Does Google, like so many website owners, really get so caught up in the process of the algorithm that it misses the whole point? Apparently not.
The web pages that contained written content (a small but significant portion were image galleries) all shared the following features:
• Updating: Frequent updating of content, at least once every few weeks, and more often, once a week or more.
• Spelling and grammar: Few or no errors. No page had more than three misspelled words or four grammatical errors. Note: spelling and grammar errors were identified by using Microsoft Word's check feature, and then ruling out words marked as mis-spellings that are either proper names or new words that are simply not in the dictionary. Does Google use SpellCheck? Keep in mind that no one really does know what the 100 factors in Google's algorithm are. But whether the mechanism is SpellCheck or a better shot at link popularity thanks to great credibility, or something else entirely, the results remain the same.
• Paragraphs: Primarily brief (1-4 sentences). Few or no long blocks of text.
• Lists: Both bulleted and numbered form a large part of the text.
• Sentence length: Mostly brief (10 words or fewer). Medium-length and long sentences are sprinkled throughout the text rather than clumped together.
• Contextual relevance: Text contains numerous terms related to the keyword, as well as stem variations of the keyword.
• Make sure a professional writer, or at least someone who can tell good writing from bad, is creating your site's content. Most visitors simply hit the back button when confronted with the unpalatable text, so the increased traffic is just wasted bandwidth.
• If you write your own content, make sure that it passes through the hands of a skilled copywriter before going online.
• Update your content often. It's important both to add new pages and update existing pages. If you can't afford original content, use free-reprint content.
• Distribute your content to other websites on a free-reprint basis. This will help your website get links in exchange for the right to publish the content. It will also help spread your message and enhance your visibility. Fears of a ‘duplicate content penalty’ for free-reprint content (as opposed to duplication of content within a single website) are unjustified.
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