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Monday, April 9, 2012
10 Ways Small Business Marketers Can Crush Big Competitors
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Be a ProBlogger: Make Money with Halloween and a Simple Joomla Template
October is here and formerly author we work money online with Hallowe'en. For newer readers, you can maturate the framing musing by measurement the collection mentioned above. Briefly, we had 15 blogs nonnegative one Affilistore affiliate course, which attained us $840, nonnegative a rattling pleasant $170 additional payment from the distributer which was not included when I wrote the initial aeronaut. We hoped that all 15 blogs gift get a overnice aid for Day 2009, but so umpteen things happened in this historical twelvemonth, that out of the 15 blogs we've ended up with exclusive 3 or 4. The others died an unsightly change by exploit de-indexed by Google. Both of you may fuck the information, but this is a desire to speak roughly today.
So, endure year's principal journal is intimately and it got zealous rankings for any of the most searched costumes, so income were up in the indorse half of Sep - it's already scoring $40 per day on intermediate.
The Affilistore seek ended up with all URLs transformed, because my competitor distributor socialist ShareASale for CJ, where there's no many live for me regrettably. No job, I found added costumes distributer who offers feeds, but you can envisage I couldn't direct 7000 URLs righteous like that. RIP my search and run on: I've set up a programme of blogger blogs with costumes targeted on categories of customers: fat women, elfin children etc. One of them has already got advantageous to feigning up. I've been sending a few course to all these blogs, but zero too sincere.
My greatest insight over the historical two weeks is Joomla. I suchlike it that there's a huge water of remove resources lendable, components, extensions and plugins, lots of Joomla templates liberated or remunerated, speech forums where beginners can ask their questions and get counselling from author older guys. I had a lignified experience to personage it out in the first, as it's quite other from WordPress, but I ended up in mate with its features and capabilities. From this twelvemonth it's leaving to be titled Halloween Costumes 2010). The site plant needs whatever ironing, but it has solon than 300 pages indexed in Google and visitors started to feigning up already.
October 20th update: the new parcel has already cashed off and it's now making profits. If one tract is that keen, why not head both more? Appraisal out the new Hallowe'en costumes Joomla-based position made by a human of mine and bowman me that you don't similar how it looks. Soon you'll be healthy to jazz your own good-looking Day site, but you'll mortal to switching to Joomla - I'll stronghold you posted on that.
I'm pursuit the move and I'll be transmission a espouse ShareASale via my affiliate linkup parting twelvemonth. I'm felicitous now each experience I see back tier commissions from him (or her) - I'm joyous that there's at small one mortal who misused our ideas to accomplish money online. He/she's likely not the write that would fasten around on, but who knows? Aren't we all probloggers at organs?
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What It Takes To Make Money In a $4.75 Billion Market
Halloween is one of the most popular celebrations in the US. A poll of 8,526 consumers, conducted between 1 – 9 September 2009 revealed an estimation of $4.57 billion total spending on Halloween 2009, most part of it being represented by Halloween costumes (source: This is quite a big pie, isn’t it? I don’t know how much of this came from online sales, but I know that it was easy to grab a little slice of the pie without too much trouble, as you’ll see:
Last year, we made $840
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How Much Money Can You Make With 100 Blog Posts in 30 Days?
Who doesn’t love experiments? They are the engine for progress, so if you want to go big, you should get out of your daily routine and do something different. See what happens, measure the outcome, then use this feedback to improve your work. I can give you a funny example: last week, I wanted to see how well I could sell some Michael Jackson Halloween costumes, so I put up some blog posts and waited. Within a couple of hours, my blogs were already ranking well, I was getting a lot of traffic (I still am), the click rate was impressive, yet I made no money. Do you want to know why? All Michael Jackson costumes are out of stock already! It took me two days to figure out what was wrong with my posts.
Nonetheless, I’m happy that my cookie is already in so many computers, that I feel like I’m going to see a lot of sales for Halloween costumes this year.
If you didn’t have the chance to see Court’s last make money online experiment, you should check it out: it proves that there’s money to be made in publishing on HubPages.
After that experiment, there were people who asked what if those 100 articles were published on Court’s own blog instead of HubPages? Would Court be making more money if he didn’t have to split the earnings with anybody else? On HubPages you get only 60% of the earnings. However, it’s true that it’s much faster to rank a hub for its keyword, because the domain has a lot of authority, which your personal blog probably doesn’t.
Write 100 Blog Posts This Month And Make MoneyThis is the “make money with your website” challenge Court has just launched: over the next 30 days, publish 100 posts on one of your own blogs and see how much money you’ll make.
I’m joining Court’s experiment. I’ll be using a blog which is almost one year old, monetized only with AdSense. I’ll be picking up keywords for the new 100 posts by using the Keyword Crash Course method. If you haven’t heard about it, just follow the link and you’ll be able to discover this keyword research strategy for only $1.
Like Court, I’ll be publishing weekly progress reports. Wish me luck and let’s have some fun with making money online.
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Sqip: Home Business Heaven or Scam?
Would you like to earn money doing nothing? Would you like to own shares in a company that’s going to sell for millions? Well, dreaming is free and also free is joining Sqip, an online portal that gives all members equity shares (which they call Private Equity Points, or PEPs) in the company.
Like Agloco did back in 2006, Sqip claims free PEPs number is limited, so after they come to an end, further members won’t receive them anymore. Ha! This is like they are playing the scarcity game on us, which sounds desperate rather than a professional business proposition.
OK, so far, nothing seems like scam here: you join Sqip for free, then you see the 100 PEPs in your account and their current value.
Many years ago, I used to work for a company which got listed on the stock market. In order to celebrate that, all employees were awarded a number of “success shares” in the company, but we could have redeemed them only within a given period of time which started in about two years from the listing date and ended one year later. Luckily the shares increased in value, so we all had the pleasure to get some money without doing anything.
The Sqip idea is the same, but it seems to me like it’s only a “smart” marketing strategy aimed at bringing them a huge pool of members in the network, with the purpose of having them exposed to advertising later on. The Sqip guys probably hope huge players will be so willing to give them a slice of their advertising budgets, that it won’t be a problem to let all founder members redeem their initial shares at whatever price they’d be evaluated by the time the company is going to be sold.
Honestly, I wasn’t able to figure out when, but I’ve got a rough idea on how: you are paid commissions for each new member that signs under you referral link, up to 10 levels (MLM anybody?). Then you are paid commissions on everything your network members buy from the portal (here Sqip are actually selling the skin of the bear in the woods, as they don’t have any merchant on their side yet).
Here’s a presentation video from their website, which will explain you in detail how you can sell the same wilderness bear skin to your friends. The funniest part is that the great portal that’s going to make us rich, actually forgot to buy the rights for some of the stockxpert images, so they embedded them with watermarks. But that’s only a detail, isn’t it?
Please don’t ask why this video embedding code is scrambled… my intentions were good… but…
Maybe Sqip
Is going cheap,
To make you more money.
Now, isn’t that funny
How people believe
They are going to live
A millionaire’s life
With their kids and their wife
Until the end of days,
Simply because Sqip pays?
Now, there may be some voices to accuse me for writing a review about something I didn’t use, like they did with Lis when she wondered whether Teaching Sells works or not. I’ve got two messages for them: first, instead of making money, they’d better take some quick lessons on how to make paella online from our friend, Terry, who’s the absolute expert in this field.
Update: as an alternative, you could learn how to make money planning a wedding: your own. If you don’t spend it, it means you’ve earned it – that’s another way of making more money: spend less
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Free Web Tools to Convert PDFs To and From Anything
As a web designer, you quickly learn the value of PDFs and how frequently you use them in your profession. You can’t really do much without PDFs and you come to depend on them very quickly. However the art of converting a PDF to something can be a tricky, and even expensive one. Equally as frustrating is when you are trying to convert a different document back into a PDF-nobody has the money to fund this seemingly simple task.
Simplifying PDF ConversionFortunately there are some excellent sites and resources out there that can allow you to convert back and forth quite easily, and the best part is that they are free! Who says you can’t get anything for free? With a bit of research and using all the right tools, you can make the art of conversion much less cumbersome and free yourself of the financial burden.
Primo PDF – The nice part about this tool is that you have a couple of different options. You can either download the free tool that allows you to create a PDF with the touch of a button and alternatively turn existing documents into a PDF as well. You can use this tool to do anything you need with PDFs and you will end up with the industry standard versions whether you are converting to or from. You can also download a free trial of an alternative to Adobe Acrobat if you are so inclined, but it’s important to note that this option is only for a limited time.
PDF Download – You can use the industry leader when it comes to free tools for PDF conversion through this site. Through the downloads available on here, you can find a variety of different tools that allow you to convert and use PDFs as you require. There’s a tool for just about every need making conversion seamless and of course free. You never have to search for a tool again once you use this one that works wonders and doesn’t cost
you a bundle.
Make Use Of – The tagline says it all-
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The Soap Opera of SBI Scam Review
SBI! stands for Site Build It! and it has been around for ages. Well, I found it in 2006. I didn’t buy it, so I can’t say how good or how bad it was for that time. However, I liked the SBI affiliate program giving a commission of $75 out of any sale. Nice, but I had other plans, so I wrote a few words about it, slapped in my affiliate link in a couple of places and soon forgot about it. Until last night, when Lissie wrote Site Build It SBI Scam Review, a post which was going to attract a lot of comments and launch a hot debate.
If you read Lissie’s post, don’t miss the comments, although it is probably going to take you an hour to go through all of them. Why so many Site Build It! disciples had to jump in and give Lissie such a busy night, I don’t know, but I suppose Griz is right when he says Site Build It makes money by selling the program, rather than by building SBI-based websites. Maybe some of the SBI sites also make money, I don’t know and honestly I don’t care. Even if it does, my opinion, now in 2009, is that the look and feel of the SBI websites is the one of the late 90′s, far too outdated for today’s standards. I feel the same towards the $300 per year per site which Site Build It members have to pay for using the system. I’m not denying their work. Probably some people manage to make money online from home with these websites. By looking at a few of them, it’s obvious they put a lot of work and time in writing content. Even if they don’t get the most out of their work, I don’t see anything wrong with that, if they are happy with the outcome.
However, I found the SBI members’ reaction at Lissie’s post quite weird. Do you use AdSense? Maybe you do. How many reviews of how bad money maker AdSense was have you read? I’ve read maybe hundreds. Did you ever feel the need to jump in and defend Google on all those negative reviews?
These being said, here are a few reactions from people who think alike:
Site Build It Noobs are Funny – a review of one of the sites built with SBI, audio review done by Vic on Blogger Unleashed.
Is Site Build It a Scam? – Question asked by Steve McGrath on his blog
How Not to Make Money with Site Build It – by Terry Didcott
Site Build It is a Waste of Money – a trip back in time, by Splork, who used the program when he first started in the internet marketing business.
How To Earn Cash Online with Site-Build-It by Frank, review which makes a lot of sense and which you could read if you intend to buy SBI.
Dr. Ken Evoy Scam? – question asked by April on her “How to make money online” blog
Site Build It Review for Beginners – by Medic
Site Build It Scam? – by Wayne
Site Build It Scam Controversy – by Archie
Site Build It Scam Review – by Ad Tracker – I’m giving you a quick excerpt from this one:
There are no negative comments about the product allowed. For God’s sake, they quote Chairman Mao about uniting together for the common good. Are you kidding me? Mao? What about Marx, or Stalin, or Lenin, or Hitler?
Site Build It Scam Trolls – by Fiar
Make Money Online for Free – Not with Site Build It – by Denise
Is Site Build It a Scam? by Christy
Site Build it Review or SBI Review or Whatever by Vic
What Constitutes a Scam? – by Bruce
Site Build It: The Scam – by Nick
Fake Scam Product Reviews – by Tracey Edwards
Site Build It Action Guide – a Squidoo lens written by Andy
The Blog War: a funny war-blogging parallel by Costa
Finally, the rhetoric question of Matt’s: Can I Make Fast Money with SBI?
Site Build It Review – Positive or Negative? – by Neena
Is SBI Site Build It a Scam? – by Derrick
How to Avoid Site Build It Scam – by Jeff Lopes
Site Build It Websites without the $300 – by Hijinks
Ken Evoy Defends Site Build It – by Dennis Jr.
Review of Site Build It – The Bashing – By Nick
SBI – The Evoy Empire – by Vic W
Is Site Build It a Scam? – SBI Review – by Zania
Site Build It is Unlikely to Make you Much Money – by Lorecee
Site Build It Vs Steve Pavlina: Which is the Scarier Cult – by Personal Development for Dummies
The Great Site Build It Scam – by Max Wolfe
Site Build It – Is Site Build It a Scam? – by Lin Burress
Site Build It Scam – The SBI Cult VS Lis – by Xel
When ‘Site Build It’ Zombies Attack – by RT Cunningham
Site Build It is Not Worth It – by Damien
SEO for Small Business – Buyer Beware – by Larry G
Lissie’s Site Build It Scam Review – by Cliff Edge Consulting
Site Build It Scam – by Scooter
WTF Is it with Site Flipping – by Bill The Blog Entrepreneur
Site Build It Review: Is SBI a Scam – by Ditto
Don’t Buy Site Build It! – by Niche Writer
Site Build It Scam: No Need for SEO Web Design by Norman Sheppard Web Design
Is Site Build It a Scam? – by Janetra Antigua Web Solutions
Site Build It Scam Review – By Adam
Is Site Sell, Site BuildIT A SCam? No: Is Is Just Bull Sh
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Nomad’s Guide to Make Money Online: a Book for Beginners
If you’re reading this, you’re either one of our friends or somebody who’s trying to learn how to make money online with as little work as possible. If you’re willing to skip the part with “as little work as possible”, the Nomad’s Guide to Make Money Online is the book for you, a valuable asset that would bring you closer to your goal of making a living online. Before finding out more about the book, I have to warn you that it’s not for people who are already making money online with any of the many systems available. If you fall in this category, just stop reading and go make some more sites that bring you home the bacon. However, if you haven’t managed to discover a working method, please read on, as this may be your missing piece from the puzzle.
I’m not going to reveal all the secrets in the book, but I’m going to give you an overview of what you can expect to find inside and of what you can do with the knowledge you’d get. These are a few things that you’re going to learn from the book:
What niche blogging is and how it worksHow to choose profitable niches for your blogs by properly conducting keyword researchWhat to do with your keywords once you’ve found themHow to get the right traffic for your blogsMonetization methods and ideas to help you turn your traffic into clicks and purchases that bring you the moneyWhat free tools and resources are available online and how to use them in your advantageThe main idea of the Nomad’s Guide to Make Money Online is that if you manage to make $10 in passive income from something, then you can repeat the process and make another $10 and another $10 and so on, until you reach the income level you need for the lifestyle you want. It’s easy, it can be done, it’s fully legal, the income is really passive, but before seeing it coming, you need to work. Janet, the author of the Nomad’s Guide to Make Money Online is showing in detail the method that allowed her to free herself from a regular job and travel freely whenever she wants, because her work isn’t related to a certain place anymore. This is the same motivation that drove me into this kind of business three years ago, and also the motivation of many other people you’ll get to know once you visit the resources Janet indicates in her book.
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Affiliate Marketing As Taught By Sisif and Damocles
Affiliate marketing in a nutshell is pretty much like this: have a site, join an affiliate network, choose merchants, choose banners, display them, get traffic, get paid, buy Ferrari, buy big house, take photos with you in the Ferrari nearby your mansion, sell newbies your methods, live happily ever after.
If it were that easy, how comes some of us are still driving their good old Citroen? Not that I don’t like my car, but I haven’t bought it from affiliate marketing money, that’s for sure. If you are new to internet marketing, you probably seek for models to follow: if this or that guy made no more than $100 – $500 a month in their first year and now they are millionaires, I’m on the right path because I’m also making now $100 per month, so all I need is keep working and wait for the time to pass by and make me rich.
Well, this is theory and it’s the “demo version” of internet marketing as sold to you by shady characters, by those so-called “gurus”: the weight loss guru, the make money online guru, the sleep and get rich guru and so on. In reality, you can learn more from myths and history. Two characters, Sisif and Damocles are the perfect summary of the internet marketer’s life. I’ll explain you why in a second, if you haven’t got it by now.
Damocles was a character in the Greek antiquity who remained famous for a sword. One day, Damocles was offered by Dionysus, the tyrant of Syracuse, the chance of switching places for one day. Damocles enjoyed very much his new life as a king, and only by the end of the day he noticed that during all that time, a sword was hanging directly above his head by a single hair.
What does the sword of Damocles have to do with internet marketing? For example, somebody could click your ads like crazy to get you excluded from PPC programs. Or you could wake up one day with all your websites injected with malware and before having the chance to clean the all, the Commission Junction quality patrol would exclude you from their affiliate network without even blinking and without giving you the slightest chance to explain it wasn’t your fault, as you’re not a network security specialist. If you think that you’d at least get paid the amounts you had in your accounts with those networks, think again: you won’t! So, you’ll always be at risk of losing your last month’s virtual earnings. If you’re new, you may even lose your half year’s earnings, as you may not have reached the payment threshold yet.
Now, Sisif comes into our story. Sisif comes from mythology, and he was damned to push a huge rock up the hill. When he almost reached the top, the rock would collapse to the bottom of the hill and Sisif would need to push it again and again, for his whole life, which was equal to an eternity in those times.
Why Sisif? Simply because when CJ kicked your criminal, malware injector arse, out of their network, you had about 1000 affiliate links, if not more, which now have to be replaced with links to merchants from other affiliate networks. You have to do it fast, because you lose sales with every hour people buy from links that are not longer generating you revenue.
Add to this some insights on how Google profiles SEOs, see if you match this SEO profile and you have the whole picture of how it feels being an affiliate marketer.
If by now you’re already thinking that nine to five jobs are better, please be aware that the sword of Damocles is there too and it may fall on your head at any given time, regardless how good your Sisif job may be, or how high your position in that company may be. I’ve seen people fired with no explanation; actually that was the spark that determined me to turn my back on corporate jobs for good.
So, what do you think it’s best: regular jobs or internet marketing?
Did I make you sad? Here’s a motivational photo to keep you going. Guess who’s the girl working that hard in the hammock by the pool:
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Sunday, February 12, 2012
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